Take 2?

Jun 04, 2013 07:49

After a chemical pregnancy last month, I'm back! I'm still feeling a bit nervous this time around, as my only symptoms are some moodiness and breast tenderness and I'm only 15 dpo. Still, I've had multiple bfps so far and they seem more solid than what I got last time (and also getting slightly darker by day, I'm pretty sure).

A couple of questions, while I'm here: did anyone take Vitex/chasteberry while in their first trimester? I was taking it because of a short luteal phase (and, I suspect, low progesterone) and have heard both that it's bad to take during pregnancy and that it can help women with past miscarriages during their first trimester. I could ask my doctor, but she doesn't seem super familiar with pregnancy-related stuff and even thought luteal phase defect was a topic of controversy in the medical field (which I hadn't heard) so I'm not sure how much she would know about that.

Also, for those who have had chemicals before, did you have your blood levels tested the next time around? I'm wondering if that would be worth it, for peace of mind. Thanks!

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

vitamin supplements

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