May 23, 2013 19:59
This is my third pregnancy. The last one ended in a miscarriage so I'm a bit nervous yet trying to stay positive. I'm about 5 weeks. I'm not sure when I'll be able to confirm since I'm not sure when I'll get to see a doctor. I'm in the military. Since my last baby, I'm at a new place and they seem to do things differently here. I have to go to some group thing first then see a doctor. I have to clarify since that didn't seem right to me.
So far it's going like the first one. My symptoms hit around the 4 week mark. The first time I was hungry (bottom-less pit), thirsty and tired all the time. I also had morning sickness for about a week. The second time around I didn't make it to the 4 week mark. This time I'm hungry but it's not as bad, slightly nauseous, continuous headache, some sinus congestion, and achy like I have a cold.
The hubby and I are super excited. Our families will probably be more excited than we are since they've been asking since the first one turned a year when we planned on having another. Like last time we plan on waiting until we make it through the first trimester. We'll be going to visit family and it'll be around my mom's birthday. Our son will be three by the time this one is born. Presuming this one is born around his due date, their birth dates will be a month apart. The holiday season will be a very expensive time of year.
I'm sure I'll have lots of questions about being pregnant and dealing with a 2 year old.
Take care.
announcing the pregnancy