Very exciting week as Emmaline was born April 16th!
This was my second baby and a much different labor than my first for sure. My first was early, all natural and incredibly fast. This one, I ran over my due date, ended up being induced, getting an epidural and it was eight hours (still short I know..I can't complain too much!).
The induction though was not fun. They started me on pitocin and then came running in the room about a half hour in because the baby wasn't reacting well to the contractions. The heartbeat was incredibly erratic and she wasn't recovering after each contraction. Very scary and made me feel like a jerk for agreeing to induction :(.
We rested for about an hour and then they started my pitocin back up. I made it to seven for dilation, but the contractions were awful. Very intense and seemed to last forever..nothing like what I remembered the first time (I'm guessing its pitocin vs "natural" labor). At this point, I asked for an epidural as it was like midnight and I started to worry about being able to push and function when the time came. As much as I wanted a drug-free labor again, I don't regret the epidural. The guy who did it, did an amazing job as I barely felt him put it in and i felt no pain at all from that point, just pressure. This will probably be my last kiddo and I feel versus the first labor, I got to enjoy the end of this one a little more.
About 1:30 am, I was at ten so they called in my doctor. I started pushing and the doctor realized the baby was face up. At this point, he asked the nurse if I had gotten anesthetic and when she said yes, he was like, "oh good!" And reached in to turn her. I laughed later because I have a feeling that might have been very uncomfortable otherwise. He told me he was doing an episiotomy (with my first daughter I just tore up....I'm not sure what was worse to be honest.....sore either way!)
at 2:05, I had a baby! Emmaline Joanna was 6lbs 9 oz, 18 1/2 inches long. She is so different from her sister that its fun. Her sister was a spitfire from the word go, Emmaline is already far more mellow.
anyway, what everyone really wants. Pics!
emmaline and her big sister Izzy.