Jan 04, 2013 12:21
I'm freaking out a little bit. Okay, a lot. I'll be 34w on Sunday, and I've lost my insurance coverage. I've applied for Medicaid and I'm waiting on the case decision, but I'm not sure how long that's going to take and I'm afraid that I won't have any coverage when it's time to deliver. I can't go in for my weekly prenatal appointments because without insurance coverage they're $95 apiece and we don't have that kind of money, nor do we have the money to pay for any type of insurance coverage. Because of my insurance loss, I'm a little over a month without seeing my OB and that's freaking me out even more.
We're currently staying with my parents while we transition households (our house that we were renting had black mold discovered all through it, and our landlady let us out of our lease as opposed to escrowing our rent and dealing with the courts) but we're not able to move into our new apartment until Feb. 1 (Alice is due Feb. 17) and that's even cutting it too close for comfort.
I'm unable to work because I'm at risk for preterm labor, so there went part of our income. So my husband has declined to return to school for spring quarter, quit his two part-time jobs that he had for school scheduling ease, and has instead returned to being a full-time electrician so that we won't be completely broke (husband of the year, right there! <3). His company offers insurance but not until 6 months in, so definitely too late. This is all so discouraging because we were doing ok enough financially when I got pregnant to be able to regularly put some money away into savings, we had a pretty home, and I had insurance; but with my job loss we've drained our savings and we're flat broke. This is the exact opposite of where I wanted to be at 34w pregnant. I pictured us in our home, Alice's room being decorated, happy and organized and ready to go. Instead, all of our things are either waiting to be moved the rest of the way out of our old house or sitting boxed up in my dad's barn. All our baby things are in bags in my parent's basement. I don't feel ready at all, and it's so awful.
Has anyone dealt with something like this before? Any words of advice or encouragement? Thank you so much in advance!
fears and worries,
preterm labor