Low amniotic fluid

Jul 11, 2012 12:27

Well, I'm 37wks along, and I went in today for an u/s to check presentation/estimate baby's size. This wasn't really entirely necessary, as I had a 3D u/s at about 30 weeks and he was head down, but it was basically just an excuse to get one and have the insurance cover it, since I haven't had one since I've been with this doctor, and I'm not one of the people who worries over them (not judging anyone who doesnt want any, of course!). I havent been high risk during this pregnancy at all and everything has been going swimmingly, so I expected this to just be a fun look at my little guy, in and out, on with my day!

After she checked all of the measurments she said the baby is measuring at 7lb1oz (give or take, since it isnt very accurate this far along), and that puts him in the 70th percentile. his head is in the 40th percentile, which wasnt shocking because those are pretty close to the numbers my other son was born at. Then she was entering in the info and checking boxes for the shots she'd taken. In the comments section, since I am a nosey parker and I was watching everything she typed, I saw her enter, "ATTN AF."
She stepped out to talk to the doc and I had to wait over half an hour for her to return, at which point she told me that they had contacted my doctor's office, and that since my doctor is out of town, they want me to go home and rest, and wait on a call from another doctor on his team who will contact me after 1pm when she gets in.  I can assume from the note that my amniotic fluid is the only issue.They did tell me that it was a bit low. Of course, they wont give any further info about it, or any indication of how low, or how much of a big deal it is, until I get that from the doctor, because of liability issues.

I've been home waiting since about 11, and still have at least another 45 minutes to go, and Dr. Internet is useless! I know that this can't be related to me being dehydrated because I drink like a fish. Seriously, there is puh-lenty of water at this kid's disposal, all he has to do is suck it out of my system. I've been peeing frequently, but then, what pregnant woman doesn't, when she drinks tons of water? This pregnancy is the first time I've dealt with a civilian hospital, so I don't know how it goes there, but when I was in the army, it didnt matter if you came in with a bone jutting out of you, they would swear you're just dehydrated and all but call you a liar if you insist you're drinking plenty of water. So hopefully this won't be an assumption I'm working against when I speak to the doctor later, but we'll see.

But in general, I can't find anything but anecdotal evidence for what low AF even means. I get that in some cases it can be dangerous and in others it is absolutely harmless. That some women's doc's want to induce like five minutes ago when they find out the fluids are low, but that others' had them just hang out and take it easy and measure again in a few days. That this could mean this, that, or the other thing (twins in distress? issues with medication? waters have broken?- I know they havent because I am not even mildly wet down there, and even my discharge level is pretty low) which doesn't happen to apply to me.

So I feel like I'm prettymuch just sitting here in the dark. How can the internet have failed me?! this must be what it was like for people in medieval times, like the 80's. le sigh.

amniotic fluid

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