
Feb 22, 2012 23:31

Update from this post earlier:  http://pregnant.livejournal.com/17176144.html

I got up there and they put me in triage. I'll plainly admit that I didn't want to be there. When I had initially called, it was just one of those, "Should I be concerned, or is this nothing?" questions. But I went up there anyway, especially since an hour and a half later the swelling hadn't gone down and I developed a headache.

So I sat there for an hour waiting to even be seen by a nurse. Then I waited for an ultrasound. I was clearly contracting on the monitors, but hell, that doesn't mean a thing for me. My blood pressure was low for me (under 105/65 each time) when its usually 117/70. I think thats why I [still] have a headache. They did an ultrasound on the baby, a bio-physical scan. He never "breathed" during the 35 minute ultrasound, which they noted, but everything else was fine. Then they did the u/s on my leg and checked my urine (I'm assuming for protein).

Everything came back normal. And even though nearly 5 hours later my leg is still swelled up, I was "sat down" with the nurse, who proceeded to tell me that the overseeing doctor (senior, not my OB) told her that I need to "stop crying wolf" and that I need to stay out of L&D unless my water breaks or I'm bleeding. I also need to stop calling.

I'm a little on the disillusioned side with the whole thing. Having a doctor like this is what made me not want any more kids the first time (its been over 5 years). I don't know how to bring it up with OB jr. without getting overly emotional at my next visit (Monday). Yes, I've been up there several times. The first 4 times I went I was in triage, and that was over a number of weeks, because I kept falling. I was following protocol and no one said anything because I obviously needed to be monitored with the falls. That last happened at 32 weeks. I went last Wednesday because the Maternal/Fetal Medicine doctor I was seeing sent me there with my fluid level having gone from 17 to 6 in a week. I went Sunday night for knifing pain that brought me to my knees and regular contractions, and again last night because my contractions went from 7 to 4 minutes apart over the course of several hours after having bloody show, resting and 44 oz of fluid in me. Both of the last times they said I'm CLEARLY contracting, and I'm about 2 cm dilated, but I'm not progressing.

But I'm a hypochondriac? I don't get it. Yes, they gave me shots of demerol both Sunday and last night, but I didn't REQUEST it, my OB ordered it. Its not like I'm going up to L&D asking for narcotics.

*bangs head on desk* I swear, I just want to be done. And now I'm worried about attempting a VBAC with this guy on the roster. I know his son is more natural and will allow me to basically do whatever I want as far as laboring goes. Daddy Dearest will probably be one of those, "I'm going to strap you on your back and DON'T MOVE." doctors.

>:| I'm not a happy camper.

doctor/midwife is an ass, emergency room visits, swelling/edema

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