Hormones and pregnancy pains, oh my!

Jan 26, 2012 22:03

Okay ladies, what do you do when you're hormonal? I am pretty sure my husband was just reminding himself all day that it was the hormones, not me. But I feel terrible! I have been crying over everything (the fact I wanted shake and bake pork chops and we ran out. Yes. I cried. But I did hide this). I have been moody and snapping over everything. Then I apologize immediately. I still feel horrible and couldn't help but wonder who took over my body today.

Yesterday we were told I have placenta previa but after reading the tags I was able to rest assured that given how much longer I have it'll probably move. My doctor even said himself he's not concerned as of now. Still, when I find that I'm bleeding I still worry. I dont think I would ever be okay with seeing blood even knowing what it is. I have also had some period like cramping. I also have lost 12 pounds since December 21 and were waiting until I get more into my second trimester to see if my morning sickness eases up before discussing an iv pump, which doesn't really excite me at all.

This may be why I'm so moody today but I would like any tips on how you keep from snapping over small stuff (such as being frustrated your husband forgot to buy corn at the store even though you reminded him twice. I cried over this as well.) Anything at all?! I'd really appreciate it!! Or even ways to say sorry after snapping over such unnecessary things. I feel like my husband knows I am not normally like this, but I can't imagine its too fun for him.

14w and miserable.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

placenta previa, hormone changes, emotions, morning sickness

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