A couple five questions...

Aug 19, 2011 15:03

So I'm not very active in this community since so far my pregnancy has been super uneventful. No morning sickness. No weird cravings. No crazy symptoms. Other than a big belly and feeling her move in there, I don't think I'd ever know I was pregnant!

I finally do have a couple questions this week, though. Hopefully someone can help me out!

First, anyone have just a super mellow baby that doesn't move all that much? She's always been pretty low-key in there, but the more I read about how "You should be feeling tons of movement by now" and "Surely those kicks and punches are starting to hurt" - the more I wonder if she's moving enough? I'm 31 weeks today, and I feel her moving everyday, but it's usually pretty subtle. She has her days when she gets more active, but mostly I just feel an elbow here or her butt pushing up under my ribs. She gets the hiccups pretty regularly. Anyone else experience a laid back baby? Should she be more active? Does more active = healthier? (I have my next appt. next Thursday and will ask there, also, but until then - you guys will do. :) And my doctor has never said anything negative at my appts. I just tend to worry)

Second, when and how common does breast leaking tend to occur? I had a reduction almost 8 years ago and the only way I'm going to know if I can breastfeed is to wait and see. I imagine leaking would be a good sign, though. And I know some women never leak. But how common is it? And when should I expect it to happen if it's going to?

Third, anyone electing not to have the vitamin K eye solution applied after birth? Want to share your reasons why? (ie: I want to look further into this, but haven't had time yet, and I'd rather just bum off others' research first!) ;) I'll of course do my own before making a final decision.

Fourth, what (other than the nursery) should I be concentrating on getting done by 31-ish weeks? I feel like since this pregnancy has been so low-key I haven't done anything to prepare! When do I need a pediatrician? Do I need to take a hospital tour? Are the classes really that helpful?

Fifth, anyone else have a husband that's just not into this whole pregnancy thing? It basically weirds him out - all of it. I keep telling myself that as soon as she's here, she's going to melt his heart and everything will be ok. He's great with kids (although I haven't seen him much around really little babies) and he's got a huge loving heart. But I still worry that she's going to come and they're going to ask if he wants to hold her, and he'll just say "Nah. I'm good." Has anyone ever experienced a SO that really didn't come around in the end? (and I understand it's different if the relationship was rocky or that some fathers choose not to be a part of their child's life, but that's not what I mean here. Hopefully no one takes offense to this question - it's not meant to upset anyone!)

And finally - what is the one thing no one told you about late pregnancy, labor/delivery, and life with a newborn that you really wish you had known before hand?

Thanks for taking the time to read though all that mess! :P I'm going to try to get the nursery painted this weekend, so hopefully that will help me feel like all of this is a little more real! :)

newborn procedures, leaking breasts, movement, preparing for baby, fathers

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