Small Baby?

Jun 28, 2011 09:24

Is it normal for your fundal height to be measuring small? (and you measure while laying down, right?) I am 23w4d today and still measuring right at my bellybutton - the same spot I was measuring around 20w (which was on target for that time). I don't feel like I've gotten any bigger in the last almost 4 weeks. And aren't I supposed to be gaining a pound a week at this point? I still feel baby girl moving and kicking, although she's not as active some days as others... sometimes I have to shake her around a little to get her to wake up. Overall, I'm just being a big worry-wart. I've worried since day 1 of this pregnancy from every little thing I could find to worry over! I wasn't getting sick, I was cramping a lot, I didn't feel movement until later on, then I quit feeling movement, now that I know how to make her move when she isn't, I worry that I'm not big enough... ugh - I know it only gets worse once they get here, but this blows! :P Ease my mind, ladies, PLEASE!

(I go back for my glucose test July 12 and will definitely have my doctor check her out then. He didn't mention anything at my last appointment (she was actually measuring a couple days ahead via u/s) but if I need to, I will call and ask/go in to have him check her out before then!)

fundal height

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