May 30, 2011 17:54
I'm currently 24 weeks and as each day goes by I'm more and more anxious, stressed out, and worried. This pregnancy has been a less than joyful experience so far. It was unexpected and yes, my husband and I were overjoyed (after the shock went away) but everything else is making me crazy worried. I had to switch doctors after 13 weeks of pregnancy (he was an idiot) and didn't see my new doctor until I was 20 weeks (Stupid insurance. Trying to switch doctors was a circus!). While my new doctor says everything is fine, I can't help but feel worried. (I have another ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday and another doctor apt for the day after).
We haven't heard the heartbeat and I haven't had any tests done that apparently (according to any pregnancy books I've picked up and my recently pregnant friends tell me are always done), my doctor says I have placenta previa and I'm being sent for this extra ultrasound this week because the baby is "larger than its date".
My husband and I went shopping for the first time two days ago and picked out a crib, linen sets, car seat, pack 'n play (we're using this instead of a bassient - can't spell that right - because they are more sturdy), and a stroller and I left the store in tears because I'm so overwhelmed and terrified.
I'm scared that something is going to go wrong or is wrong. I've missed the "window" for a bunch of the tests that were done in early pregnancy (I've known since 4 weeks but again my first doc was an idiot, which is why we switched) and I just feel like I don't have all the information I need. My new doc has been supportive, answered any questions I have, and given me his work extension so I can ask him questions directly.
My husband just reassures me that everything will be fine. My mom says the same, she says that neither one of us have history of any of (as she says) "those genetic diseases and those tests would just be a waste of time and I didn't have them done". It still doesn't make me feel any better.
How do you deal with all the overwhelming feelings? Stress? The unknown?
placenta previa,
fears and worries,
size of the baby