1. My doctor wants me to test for GD in a couple of weeks. At the same time I'll be getting the full bloodwork done again (minus the thyroid since it's already being monitored). I will be 26-27w. However, I've been utterly exhausted the last, oh, month, and I really feel like something is wrong. Should it not be physically-caused I think I need to bring perinatal depression up. Would it be unreasonable for me to ask to get these tests done earlier? Is there potentially a problem with testing for GD "too early" (24-25w).
2. My placenta was over my cervix during the ultrasound I had at 19w. My doctor wants me to go get that looked at in 4 weeks (at 28w). Since I have to travel to get to the clinic and back (and the ferry will make it an "all day" trip) I'm wondering if it'd be a reasonable request to push that back to somewhere in the 30-32w range. They can't do anything for placenta previa, can they? This scan is just for information and/or my peace of mind, right? I'd want to push it back to avoid possibly having to go again if my placenta hasn't moved enough by 28w.
3. My sex drive is through the roof (yay!). Sex feels better than it did pre-pregnancy (I've gotten over some issues, pregnancy hormones, we're getting good at it... take your pick ;)). However, afterwards I'm mildly sore for an hour or two. Pre-pregnancy I felt sore like this if the sex was rough or I tensed up (those issues I mentioned)... both are not the case right now. Lube is fine too. We're doing the deed fairly frequently.
So if it's not hurting during, not rough, not dry and not because I'm out of practice, why do I hurt afterwards LJ? Is this a pregnancy thing they don't tell you about or something I should mention to my doctor?