I posted a few days ago saying that I was concerned the size of my baby would affect me wanting to deliver naturally, and most of you reassured me saying that the size of the baby normally doesn't affect that. Fast forward to this week - My ob was concerned because I'm measuring bigger than I should, by about 4-5cm so he sent me in for another ultrasound.
The ultrasound tech said that I'm 34 weeks as far as my dates go, but that my baby size-wise is 38 weeks and she feels my ob will likely either want to induce me, or schedule a section as she's already nearly 9 pounds and I'm only 34 weeks and they won't want her to get too much bigger.
I feel like my hands are tied now and I don't have any options as far as wanting to do things naturally. In the end I want what's best for the baby but if she really is THAT big, I have a feeling waiting until I'm 40 weeks would be a bad idea. I'm hoping they can just induce me early and still let me try to push her out.