Mar 07, 2011 19:03
Yes, I am aware that I just posted this morning but HALP, HALP ME PLEASE. Last night and again during a nap today I woke up choking, with acid reflux/vomit in my nose and throat and DEAR SWEET JESUS I need to know how to make it never, never, never, never happen again.
I've taken generic Zantac. It helps marginally but only for a few hours, wearing off before the next dose. Will Zofran help? Sitting/sleeping at a 90-degree angle is sort of out for me because of bed rest, but I've been doing it anyway and the only thing that seems to be coming from it is that the vomit stays into my throat, instead of coming up into my nose and mouth.
Is there anything I can do? Is this FOREVER?
31w--so long to go.