Low platelets

Feb 08, 2011 22:22


I'm 37w4d and just had blood tests done, which revealed that my platelets are at 78,000, when they would like them to be at 100,000.  My OB told me that because of this they'll be apprehensive about giving me an epidural for my VBAC, so this Friday I'll be having another blood test to see whether my platelets are staying the same or still dipping. That next blood test will be the determining factor for whether or not they let me try for the VBAC or just have another c-section.

Has anyone else ever had experience with this sort of thing?

This is our second child.  Our son was born at 36 weeks after I ended up getting pre-eclampsia/HELLP Syndrome.  I had an emergency c-section for his birth, and my platelets were also low then, although I don't know what the count was.  I had my c-section under general anesthesia, though up until today I figured that whole debacle had more to do with the HELLP Syndrome than anything else.  Alas...

I'm just really nervous that I'll have to be put under again for the birth of our daughter.  I'm not afraid of that part in particular, but it has me worried about why my platelets keep going so low, and I'm also bummed about the idea of "not being present" for another one of our children's entries into the world.  My husband's being really supportive and everything, but I know it also saddens him not to be able to be with me during surgery and see our children born.

So yeah.  I'm just wondering if anyone else has had experience with the low platelet problem, at what platelet count your docs decided not to allow an epidural, and how the whole thing played out for you.

Thanks for reading, take care!

vbac, complications - mother, epidural anesthesia, repeat cesarean

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