Jan 25, 2011 15:50
Cordelia Mae Hope was born 1-25-11 at 12 am @ 33 and a half weeks. Apgar score of 9 and 9. Weighing 4 lbs 9 ounces, 18 inches long
My water started leaking at 8:35 am on 1-24. I called the on call nurse, and continued to leak gushes while taking care of my 1 yo (turned 1 on 1-22). She told me to come in and I pretty much knew this was it. Well, I knew that I would be in the hospital until I birthed my daughter.
My mom came and picked my son and me up and we went to L&D. They tested the fluid and yes, my waters had broke. Little gushes continued. They said there was no deadline for a csection, I could be in the hospital for weeks until I had her. Then they got word her lungs werent developed so they decided to induce with pitocin. I labored all day only being 2 cm.
So, lucky me got a csection. She cried when she came out. Was very alert. A bit of trouble breathing but never had CPAP or breathing tubes. She continues to thrive and is doing well. The surgery took a lot out of me, and I did labor all day yesterday.
We are good though. Hope all keeps going the way it is.
premature babies,
birth stories- surgical,
spontaneous rupture of membranes