Dogs and Labor

Jan 19, 2011 15:46

Do you guys think a dog can sense when you are going into labor?

Here is the story...

So last night I come home with the rest of my stuff from the baby shower that was stored at my moms house. I get into the house and start gathering things up and putting items away. We have three dogs in the house, two belong to my husband and I and the other belongs to my aunt who we live with. My one dog is a Jack Russell Terrier and he has to be separated from the others upstairs (Not really related to the story, but a little venting sorry!) , which really sucks and we are trying to find a new home for him because he hates my other dog for some unknown reason. He will attack him and make him bleed and it is just too much when we are about to have a baby. But I still love him. He is even on Prozac for his behavior, but it is not working. This is probably the most depressing thing that could have happened to me being pregnant especially since I have had him for 6 years and I cry everyday about it.

Anyway...back to the issue at hand. I brought in all my stuff and my other dog (3/4 Jack Russell and 1/4 Fox Terrier) was sitting there watching me put some gifts away. My aunts dog came over (Boxer) and out of no where my dog attacked him. It was the oddest thing since they are the best of friends and follow each other everywhere and play together all the time. My husband grabbed him and got him to stop but he really was acting funny afterward. Today, he is being standoffish with my aunts dog, and has not even played with him, which is odd since they play together about 10 times a day. Anytime I sit down, my dog jumps up and sits right next to me, staring at my aunts dog. Normally, my dog is clingy, but this is kinda too far.

Now last night, I thought I was going into labor. Monday I felt "funny" and last night I was having bad cramping and this weird pain that felt like fire being stabbed in my cervix ( I think that is where the pain is, kinda hard to tell) and this would all come and go. Around Midnight it all tapered off. Today, my stomach is getting tight and I am having a bit of cramping. I would LOVE to go into labor soon (38w6d today), but I was just not sure if this is why my dog was acting the way he is. What do you guys think?

labor, pets

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