I can finally post this.... and I have to say thank you to everyone here at pregnant!!! Reading others questions, posting mine, and getting help really helped a lot in getting through this pregnancy. So Thank you... and here goes...
Olivia Renae
January 3, 2011
8lbs and 21 1/4 inches
The morning
I ended up waking up at about 5:30 am with Jim when he was getting ready for work. He had to open and be there for an early morning truck delivery to receive it. I wasn't feeling good but it was just more or less a crampy period like feeling so I spent most of the morning in bed. I wasn't having any contractions, at least it didn't feel like it, it was just really feeling like a period. It was just a solid sharp pain that just went right through me and didn't let up at all. I was feeling it for over an hour without any letting up. On top of just burning up.
I called the Dr and they said don't worry about it. Its normal. The same song and dance as usual. "Wait for contractions to get to this time or your water breaks".
It gets worse at about 11 and I'm in tears. Can't even walk to the bathroom or stand upright without the pain just going through me. I end up talking to my sister in law for a bit (Deb, the girl's mom). We chat about the girls, pregnancy, and delivery. She tells me to call the dr and I told her I did. She was getting worried something was wrong with my baby and asked about kicking. I was still feeling movement in there.
Jim called for his lunch hour and we chat for a bit. I tell him what's up and he tells me to call the Dr again. Now the pain is back to just being steady and I'm in tears. I call and they said to go the hospital for an evaluation.
I text Jim what they said and he's on his way home to get me.
The hospital
We get to the hospital after 5 I think. I'm sent to the labor and delivery section and they do a heartbeat check and a cervix check. I'm about 7 cm dilated.
I apparently was having contractions in the pain but it wasn't spaced to feel them that way. They call the on call dr and he comes in. I have my water broken and get the epidural. It felt sooooo good after he broke my water. I swear I lost like a gallon, but who knows. It relieved sooo much pressure that I could sit up for them to do the epidural. It also made feeling her move a lot easier.
She wasn't getting through my pelvis and they started doing all sorts of positions to get me into, to open it up to let her through. Tried the one leg in a stirrup on my side, then switching. My husband got a kick out of me being on all fours for over an hour with my ass up at which point he went and got me some magazines cause I was bored and couldn't watch tv. I can only stare at a white sheet so long before losing my mind.
He also got a kick out of tickling my feet since I couldn't feel it at all. I wasn't feeling a single thing.
I get to 9cm and they start to get worried about her not fitting through. They ask all sorts of questions on the head sizes of his other kids, are doing tests, trying to get a measurement. I'm still not opening up.
I don't know when I got to 10, but I think it was after 9pm I think. I was back to watching TV and the movie "The Replacements" was on. It felt like a really good choice cause it was one of my mom's favorite and it felt like she was in the room with it on. I started to feel on fire down there from my bum to the front. She doesn't think I'm at 10 and not ready. I keep complaining to Jim, he says something to her. She checks and is all "your ready to push!"
Jim tells EVERYONE of my conversation with the nurse at about this point. "I'm like it hurts!!!" and she is like "What hurts honey?" and I'm like "down there" and she is all calm, "You have a baby coming out". I think Jim said I pushed for about 2 hours before she came out at 11:43pm on the third. It really didn't feel like it was that long.
She was cleaned up and we tried to breastfeed but nothing worked out and she was being very fussy.
Overall, she did fit through but she ended up doing some minor tearing down there. Her head was bruised from the delivery and the hospital ended up using a gel pillow for her. We've been doing the football hold since cause its the easiest way to hold her without touching her head anywhere.
I'd so do it again. She's definitely worth it.
Jim was the first to hold her though....