
Jan 03, 2011 03:00

Name: Ashley
Age: 26
Status: Married
Due date: August 2
Is this your first child? If not, how old are your other children? This is our first :)
What you're most excited about? Everything! I've always said I was meant to be a mom and a wife (seriously, had I been an adult in the 1950's I'd have been thrilled!) so I'm excited about everything.
What you're nervous about? something going wrong. Right now this all feels like a dream, too good to be true.
Were you TTC or is this baby a surprise? We were TTC. This was our first IUI attempt and it was a success!
Are you hoping for a boy or a girl? I've always wanted a little girl...
Symptoms so far? Exhaustion. I have not had any morning sickness (whoo!!) but I'm certainly always sleepy. I've also gained some weight but I have been assured it was due to the 2 clomid rounds and the shot of ovidrel. It does bum me out though...I know I'll get heavy with baby and that would be fine but I had worked so hard to lose almost 60lbs and kept it off for a year, so to gain a bunch back so quickly due to fertility treatments is really depressing me.
Anything else? I'm going to be using a midwife as opposed to an OB. We heard and saw the heartbeat at 7w1d and it was AMAZING. :)
Let's see....I'm already "momma" to 3 kitties. :)

Glad to meet you all!

updates - pregnancy

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