from new moms to moms to be

Dec 05, 2010 03:55

Hello everyone! I haven't been here for not-so-little Cael is now about 4 1/2 months old and we're all doing great, but I'd like to ask for a bit of help, and at the same time, perhaps give a little :) Awhile back, I posted a little list of tidbits of advice/inspiration/encouragement that got me through the first couple weeks of motherhood. Well, now a very good friend of mine is expecting soon and I'd like to make her a little book of these...a couple on each page with some illustrations I think. Anyway I couldn't find a new mom community that has been kept up, except for parenting101 but I have to wait to be accepted. So I figured meanwhile, there are definitely some mothers here that can help me out. Here's some of the things I have thus far, maybe you could add any little somethings that you think would be helpful? It's just going to be a nice, light-hearted, sometimes serious sometimes not little handbook. And...first time mom-to-be's...this is def a good read! Most are from me, some are from books, some are from friends..etc etc(PS - i know all of mine are in masc. form..I'm not playing favorites; she's having a little boy :)

Warning! This list is very long, and I'll probably only be adding to it :)

#1. Breathe. Repeat.

2. your house will be messy for awhile. it's okay.

3. showering is optional

4. if nothing else, keep your sense of humor

5. you may have spent hours agonizing over the organization of your baby's nursery, closet, etc. but chances are it will go from cute to chaos in 2.3 seconds. Don't stress over it.

6. The first week is the hardest. It is overwhelming, exhausting and there is simply no way to prepare for it. That being said, feel better about not doing it perfectly. I don't think anyone does.

7. Receiving blankets. Have alot of them. They are great for swaddling, spit-up, laying him on any surface, warming him, drying him, cleaning him...taking care of a newborn is much like hitchhiking across the galaxy in that you should always know where your towel (blanket) is :)

8. It gets better. Soon. I promise :)

9.that smell/sound/discharge is probably normal

10. Remember, you are now the world to great a feeling is that?

11. Yes, your baby is indeed the most beautiful baby ever :)

12. You will soon learn to utilize all extremeties almost simultaneously. Be proud of being able to pick up those socks with your toes while cradling him in one arm and switching the laundry with the other.

13. Don't forget to eat. I'm happens :)

14. wipies are awesome at cleaning EVERYTHING (including yourself)

15. for gas? bicycle kicks are magical....

16. You are still you. Never forget it, never feel bad about it

17. sweatpants can be sexy too

18. Don't be so critical of're doing great!

19. Always bring extra clothes (for the both of you)

20. If someone wants to help out, let them

21. If you need help, ask

22. Take lots of pictures

23. Your brain is taking a little vacation. Maybe a long one. It happens :)

24. Your body is not the same. And nobody expects it to proud of your battle scars, do what you can, and accept the rest

25. "Mommy brain" is an acceptable excuse for almost anything

26. Five minutes on the exercise bike is a GREAT workout. good job!

27. When possible: Long hot showers, long warm naps


29. When changing a diaper, ALWAYS breathe through your mouth

30. Always have a spare, clean sheet and changing pad cover

31. Trust your gut

32. Date night is a necessity

33. Don't think you have to stop having fun bc you have a baby, Have fun WITH your baby!

34. When in doubt, call mom

35. Don't worry, to all those people without kids, you totally look like you know what you;re doing :)

36. Take a minute for both of you to just look at him, together. It's amazing how close this brings you

37. He'll be even bigger tomorrow!

38. Do NOT attempt to try on your old clothes right now. It can only bring anguish.

39. Fall in love with your partner falling in love with your baby

40. Be a little selfish sometimes

41. Go for a walk with him

42. Don't make any big plans. You'll just stress when they change :)

43. Sometimes you need to let yourself trust his parenting.......Maybe you've read more books, but afterall, you've both had the same amount of real life parenting experience

44. you're still gorgeous!

fun stuff, preparing for baby, parenting

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