Yeah it's me again :)
My sleep patterns now include no sleep stint longer than 2 hours. So I will go back to bed soon and if I fall asleep, it will be for two hours. I'm okay with it, I don't have much to do during the day anyway, and I figure that's what life with a baby will be like. Anyone else like this?
I went to the doctor's today and was advised that my baby (who was suddenly posterior last week) is now Left Occipito-Transverse, which means he's upside down facing my right side, and makes total sense why I can feel him where I feel him. So hurrah for no more posterior baby! Maybe if I keep doing the cat/cow thing and squatting and crawling and sitting on my fit ball, he might go back to being anterior!
It has suddenly dawned on my husband that we are having a baby. And the poor guy is stressed and worried now. I'm not worried - I married him partly because he would be a *wonderful* father, and because having kids was one of those things he desperately wanted to do. He doesn't seem to be worried about any thing in particular, just a general stress - maybe about having a baby 24/7, and probably about being the sole income earner (which is fine, I *did* budget for this before we TTC) and being a self employed bricklayer. It *is* a lot of responsibility and I'm doing my best around the house etc to make sure he doesn't have more on his plate than he has to.
Is there anything I can do to help relieve his stress? I really hate seeing him like this - he bottles it all up so he doesn't 'burden' me. I've had 9 months to get used to the idea, poor guy's only realising it all now. I hope he doesn't get the male version of PPD. Between him and his siblings we're having 4 kids in 18 months and his youngest bro will TTC come January, and my husband is always driving me around to go visit all his nieces and nephews because he loves being with them so much, so I'm probably worrying over nothing.
And finally a quick rant - we've decided on a first name for the baby, and because I'm of a Vietnamese background, we had decided that his middle name will be Vietnamese, and we can use that at home, or when we speak Vietnamese to him. Seems to be general rule of thumb in bilingual families around here. My grandfather named me, so I thought it would be nice for my Dad to come up with some Vietnamese names I could pick from, that way he could be part of it all (and well, I'm really no good at Vietnamese names). I gave Dad a few guidelines about what I liked, and left it.
So Dad came up with *one* name, that doesn't fit in my guidelines at all, and when he told me, I thought he was joking. He wants to name my son 'Tran Viet' (with some tonal accents) which I can barely pronounce and I swear he picked it because he hates that I married a non-Vietnamese man and changed my surname and am losing my heritage, so he wants to make it as obvious as possible that my son is half Vietnamese.
I told Dad I didn't like it (for some reason, my husband loves it :( He won't be the one using it though!!) and complained to my mother, who also hates the name, and now at 39w5d I still don't have a name. :( :( :(
I made a list of names I *did* like and showed my mum and she dismissed them all because they had bad meanings. I think she's trying hard to think of names but I'm not sure. She tells me she's waiting on what first name I've chosen, but I don't want to tell her that because she'll probably hate that too. I actually told her I was thinking of 'Michael' which was the nicest, most inoffensive name I could think of off the top of my head (who *hates* Michael, really? It's a bit common, but that's it) and I got a 10minute rant on how that name is so bad it makes her ill.
Anyway, I will now spend some time looking up Vietnamese baby names on the Internet. Thank you for reading :)