Oct 21, 2010 09:51
Between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm last night I had 10 consistent and strong contractions. I even went #1 and #2 somewhere in the middle and the contractions stayed strong afterwards. Same thing happened the night before. Nice and strong, steady, lasting a good minute each.... just to die out after an hour and 15 minutes or so. Then I go to bed and wake up, and lo and behold! Still pregnant. That's fine, I just wish I wasn't so miserable. Gah... I can't wait to see this little bugger! Life is getting difficult these days! I hurt my knee the other day. Something is bulging out from my left knee cap, so I'm not only waddling, but I have a brace on now too. That among all the other symptoms.
I have my 37 wk appt tomorrow. Hopefully they'll be some progress because I don't want these contractions and cramps and back aches for nothing! I'll be 38 wks on Monday. I know some of you have been in false labor for weeks. I don't know how you all do it, you poor things! I know it's all worth it as I love having babies, but this is the last one (our 4rth) and with my first 2 I had to be induced, and my last one I went from no signs to labor in a day. I've never had this drawn out before! It is interesting to say the least however it's got me a bit obsessed about my body.
I'm hoping everyone's well!
false labor