Oct 08, 2010 18:15
hey everyone! my name is alex and this is my first pregnancy. after a year and half of trying we finally succeeded and i am now 6weeks pregnant! at the beginning of this week i started bleeding bright red and fairly heavily along with some minor cramps (nothing compared to my usual period cramps). i have continued to bleed everyday since then so i was positive i was miscarrying. i had an ultrasound this morning and to my surprise i was not miscarrying and was able to see the little bean and its heart beat! it turns out there is a blood clot inside of me which is causing the bleeding. my obgyn said it wasn't anything to worry about and to just call back if i start having severe cramps but naturally i'm still a tad worried because i've never heard of this happening to anyone. so my question is has this happened to any of you? hopefully this is somewhat normal. :)
bleeding - vaginal,
subchorionic hematoma