Aug 27, 2010 09:28
I just dont know what to do with myself. Everynight I fall asleep fine but then I wake up every hour to pee and within three hours of that I am wide awake and cannot sleep anymore. Ive been up since 330am and I just feel like crap. This has been going on for two weeks now and I dont know what to do. Ive tried Tylenol PM and it doesnt do anything, Ive tried eating a snack, relaxation..etc..and nada. I really am getting delerious from no sleep and its affecting how I function throughout the day. Ive been eating a lot more and not healthy foods, my bodies way of trying to get some sort of energy. So when is enough enough? Is this something I call my doctor about? Is there anything else I can do? Im really starting to lose it!