Jun 01, 2010 16:48
An update on my post Friday about amniotic fluid levels and GD.
I had my level 2 U/S today and little boy looks okay, my amniotic fluid levels are "high normal" at 22 (I don't exactly know what that means-but okay). I did a lot of reading this morning about what this could be and I... well I'm just never doing that again... far too terrifying.
The bean is 4lb 6oz, so he's a little fatty. :)
They gave me photos of his face, a profile and his feet. The ultrasound tech said his feet were about two inches long!
Because they couldn't find anything wrong with the baby, they have decided that I'd just need to wait until Tuesday (next time I see my OB) to tell me what's up. A good part of me really thinks that my levels are just high as a fluke and this whole GD idea is being thrown around because I'm overweight. :/
32w 2d
gestational diabetes,
amniotic fluid