May 11, 2010 11:37
Is there a trick to peeing once baby is head down and dropped? Because seriously when I am standing I have to pee so bad I think the world is going to end, but when I sit on the toilet I can't. I think her head plops into the rigth spot to obstruct any flow... I don't think it's a UTI or anything (though it certainly might lead to one eventually...) because if I shift around a little eventually I can pee. Do I have to learn to pee standing or something, because seriously, this is stupid...
Normally I think I would be embarassed by this post, but today I am too frustrated and tired to care. And I don't know if she had officially dropped, but my belly rests on my thighs when I am sitting and if this isn't dropped, then what joy I must be in for when she does...