I am 7.5 weeks PP. While pregnant, I was getting itching on the left side of my clitoris. It wouldn't exactly feel better if I itched it and it made pleasure during oral sex a bitt difficult to focus on.
Well, I've had a bit of itching today. I recall having it a few times PP but not as much as while pregnant. I went upstairs to take a bath tonight and it hurt down there, so I moved the left lip aside and there is something that looks like a blister on the top left side of the clitoris. There is also a spot right where the skin of the lip meets the darker, inner skin and then one on the wall of the left lip.
What the heck is this? I am scared to death. They all hurt very badly to the touch, and even when I moved the lip to look I had a good amount of pain. Please tell me I do not have an STD.
ETA I'm reading online now, and I thought I should be more specific.
These aren't exactly bumps, only the ones on the outer areas appear to be slightly bump-ish. I haven't had sex with anyone but my husband since 07 (before I met him, mind you) but I was tested a million times for HIV while pregnant and was never positive. Does that cover all STDs? If it does, I could only have gotten one for my husband who I am certain has been faithful.. though this is making me nervous as crap that he wasn't.
Do you think this is thrush? I'm reading that vaginal sores can be caused by it. I am exclusively breastfeeding though and neither baby nor I show the symptoms I've been told to look for.