Hello! I have been lurking around here for a few weeks! To my dismay, I somehow managed to forget all about livejournal when I became pregnant - I suppose reading all of these automated e-mail pregnancy updates might do that to me - and realized how much I'd been missing out a few weeks ago when I found myself here yet again!
This is my first pregnancy, so it's understandable that I'm not sure what to expect. I am 30 weeks along with a little girl we have dubbed Hailee May. My due date was originally May 15, which then switched to May 22nd, and then moved forward again and by my 'weeks' I would be due on May 8th - Mothers Day! My pregnancy has had its ups and downs but starting at week 28 it has gotten quite rough.
I started seeing stars and having really bad breathing problems/anxiety attacks. Everyone including my doctor says this is related to the position of Hailee. I actually nearly fainted one day and had to make an ER visit. I was sitting around and all of a sudden my face got very hot and tingly, my vision blurred, it was hard to breathe, my ears were ringing, and it felt like the room was shutting in on me. My family has a history of high blood pressure, but they said my blood pressure is relatively normal - though it was high for my standards because I always used to get told I had low blood pressure. I passed the gestational diabetes test but I do have 'some protein in my urine' - it was not explained to me at what point 'some' becomes 'too much'. I was told to relax, stay on my left side, drink plenty of water, and not to add salt to my foods. I drink like a fish and I haven't wanted to add salt much at all since I got pregnant, I'm rather enjoying sweet flavors instead. So I feel like I am doing all I can though relaxing is hard to do when I am on my feet 7 hours a day five days a week as a cosmetology student. Despite the fact that I do get aerobic exercise at least twice a week, am on my feet, and have a good diet, I have gained 55 pounds already. I was a size zero when I found out I was pregnant.
Around this same time, I expelled a pretty BIG glump of cervical mucous, but because it wasn't bloody was told that this is normal, to refrain from sex for a week, and not to worry. However, I did not get an internal exam or anything - she just listened to Hailee's heartbeat, something I do at home daily.
Needless to say, I've been kind of frustrated and feel like every time I have a concern it's 'completely normal' so I've held off from calling her about recent situations, but have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I do have some concerns though. I've written a list of questions for my doctor.
I am curious what position Hailee is in as last time I asked at my 28 week visit (the same day I was in the ER) she said she was not sure. I am curious where my placenta is, not really out of concern but just because nobody has ever told me. I am curious how much the baby weighs/if there is a way she can tell - I thought perhaps the baby is bigger than average and that may be why I have gained SO much weight. My last ultrasound was at 18 weeks to find out the sex. I am curious how many inches I am measuring from pubic bone to top of uterus, as she's always said I'm measuring on but never told me I and I know it can be +2/-2 which could tell me if perhaps I am farther along at all than they think. Also for the past week or so I have been getting a lot of cramping and contractions - I do realize you get braxton hicks, but this is sometimes more than what I think that would be - even when im laying, yesterday I had at least 7 contractions in one hour, and then more on and off from about 6-10. This morning when I got up, as soon as I peed I started having them again. It also looks as though (and Josh, my fiance noticed this as well as myself) my belly is already lowered like she is engaging herself. I am still having cramping and back pains. My mucous has changed and I have this constant wet feeling but nothing so severe as for me to think my water has broken. The contractions that I do get come whether I am relaxing or up and about, but more often start once I am up and about and continue from there. What really alarmed me was that upon feeling around to see if I could notice if there were any changes in there I noticed that the shape of the inside of my vagina has completely changed over the past couple of days - it almost feels like there is something pushing down on the inside wall enough that it obstructs me from getting to my cervix if I wanted to. Is this her head, and if it is, is it too early? Everyone seems to think I am farther along but I know that ultrasound dating early is the most accurate blah blah blah but I also know that people at school were telling me I was pregnant and I was taking tests a whole month before I ever got a positive.
I know it's a lot of information all at once, but I know many of you have probably had some similar symptoms - I feel like I am to the point where I am concerned enough that if I don't get the answers I want tomorrow at my doc appointment I'm going to have to ask for another appointment with another of the doctors at my womens office. Maybe I am looking into things far too much, but the things I am experiencing are causing interruptions in my every day life - and I suppose I would like to know if it isn't safe for me to be on my feet so much with these things going on, or if I should start an early leave or whatnot.
Any input would be awesome and thanks in advance! <3