30w 6d
I had another ultrasound a few days ago to follow up on my placenta previa case that was detected at the 19 weeks scan. Baby was head down and unfortunately his head was blocking the cervix and the tech could not get a clear view of the edge of the placenta so I had to do an internal ultrasound as well.
During the 19 weeks scan, the edge of the placenta was covering the cervix. It has moved up slightly; the edge is now about 1.8cm away from the cervix. It is still considered low-lying though. Ideally it should be more than 2cm away from the cervix to minimise risk of haemorrhage during delivery. The advice is to track that again with another scan in 4 weeks to see if the placenta has moved further. Depending on the situation then, I may have a consultation with an obstetrician to discuss my options for delivery.
A bonus of having another ultrasound is that we got another look at our baby.
Baby's chubby face. Clearly getting rather squished in there.
The biggest surprise was being told that baby has hair, and lots of it! It showed up as bright white streaks on the ultrasound and was long enough to be waving about in the amniotic fluid.
Estimates from the scan indicate that baby is currently just over 3 pounds, which is pretty much spot on for this stage. But then late trimester ultrasounds are notoriously inaccurate about weight/size so we shall see.
Over the past month, whenever I have a prenatal checkup or ultrasound, baby is always found in the same position. Now that I am getting to know what part is which when I feel certain parts of my tummy to be hard or lumpy or soft, he seems to like hanging out in that position pretty much all the time. His head would be down at the bottom, his back arched along the left side of my tummy, his bum facing up (thus the hard bump I always feel on the upper left quadrant of my tummy), and his hands and feet along my right side. One hopes he continues to be in that position in 2 months!