Hi everyone. Mods, let me know if this isn't ok to post.
I joined this community as well as
jan_2010 and
breastfeeding as soon as I learned I was pregnant. Most of my IRL friends aren't really the "baby" or even "family" type, so it has been wonderful for me to go through pregnancy with y'all. These communities have become very dear to me. Pregnancy is my favorite state of being. Seriously.
This was my second pregnancy and we were ecstatic and a little surprised to find out we were pregnant just once cycle after getting my Mirena IUD removed. My due date was Jan 30, 2010. I experienced preterm labor at 26 weeks with my first pregnancy and my son graduated from the NICU 16 weeks later. Ten years passed and I got pregnant again. Unfortunately, the pregnancy was not considered high risk and I was never monitored any more than you usual pregnancy. Everything was going wonderfully and in mid September we started organizing my son's attic playroom (adjacent to his bedroom) to make room for the baby and all his gear.
On September 23rd, twelve days after our anatomy scan where we were given the green light and told that the baby was a boy, my water broke at work. I was 21 weeks, 4 days. Two days later we met with a perinatologist who confirmed that the baby's heart had stopped beating. I labored on my own that evening (no induction) for six hours and delivered my son at 9:48pm. He was 1lb 4oz, 12.5 inches.
"They" now suspect that I have incompetent cervix as well as a predisposition to preterm labor; any possible future pregnancies will see me in the Dr's office every week for cervical measurements and other screening. We don't know if another pregnancy is in our future, which is sad because I love being pregnant so much that I've often wished I could be a surrogate. With my history, though, it's out the window.
I never posted much, but I read the communities every single day. I still do. I've decided not to leave, because I realized how much I care about everyone here and all of your babies. Having gone through two episodes of preterm labor, one of them resulting in tragedy, I wanted to stick around and see if I could offer any support or advice for moms facing weird symptoms that may be preterm labor. I'm pretty sure that you won't have to worry about me being totally rabid and pushy and most of my advice will start out or include the phrase "the tricky thing about symptoms of pregnancy complications is that they are often so similar to regular pregnancy symptoms..." It's totally true, y0!
I have to warn you, though, I don't really feel the need to tiptoe around the issue of my son's stillbirth. It's part of my reality and I'll just say things like "when we lost our son in September..." I am not trying to be insensitive, but shushing up my son's loss feels too much like shushing up his life.
Sometimes I feel like a psycho for lurking here, waiting to urge someone with pelvic pressure or other symptoms to see their doctor. Am I a total stalker? Is it ok to stay?
If you're interested, you can read a few posts about my pregnancy
here and about the loss of our son Christopher Robin
Also, if there are other moms that have remained a part of this community after a pregnancy loss, I would love to get connected.
x-posted to
jan_2010 , so if you're a part of that community as well, I'm sorry for the dup.
Take care, everyone.
Much love,