Oct 26, 2009 14:25
I'm 13 weeks today, and I still don't feel any sort of connection to my pregnancy. I don't feel like I'm really pregnant - I just feel like it's some words that I say, or a maybe a new hobby that I've taken up (reading about pregnancy). I am dealing with untreated (at the moment, because I stopped my medications when I found out I was pregnant) depression and anxiety, so maybe it's just that. (I am hoping to get the ok to go back on Welbutrin next week, although I feel very guilty about doing so - What if it messes with the baby's brain chemistry? Poor kid already has genetics working against it!)
Do others feel the same way? This sort of non-reality? For those further along, when did you really start to "feel" pregnant? I feel like it will help when I actually look pregnant instead of like I've gained weight and/or when I can feel the baby move. I keep looking at the ultrasound picture, which I have on the wall of my office, and trying to get my mind around the fact that that little thing with the head and the arms is inside of me - is my child.
For whatever it's worth - I'm 35, this is my first pregnancy.
trimester - first,