My appt went fine yesterday. They said since I've (STILL!) not had a single labor sign that I need to walk as much as humanly possible to try & get labor started. If I don't have the baby before, I go to the hospital Aug 14 where they'll check if I'm dialated enough to start & if not, they'll put some kinda gel on my cervix & schedule an induction
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Just so you know - that gel is the *start* of an induction.
I am going to sit over here and sigh over how your doctors say that you need to get the ball rolling since you "still" haven't had a labor sign (uh, doesn't that happen when you go into labor?) when you're only 40 weeks pregnant and the average pregnancy lasts between 38 and 42 weeks.
Since it's best for you to try to avoid an induction, walking is a good thing, but certainly don't wear yourself out by not taking breaks. Sex might help move things along as well. There are all sorts of things you can do to encourage things, though encouragement or induction or not, baby will come out when he/she is ready.
Please research and investigate before agreeing to this procedure. if your read up and are comfortable then that is fine but your doctor should have informed you more. BTW - you are not "over due" yet - you still have another 2 weeks!
an example from the web:
"Although approved for oral use, Cytotec has somewhat the same action on the cervix when administered vaginally as "prostin gel," "Prepidil," and "Cervidil" in that the prostaglandin action causes cervical ripening and induction of labor. The FDA has not established protocols for Cytotec usage nor has there been any controlled trial studies to provide information about the indications and contraindications surrounding use. Yet many care providers are using this gastrointestinal drug to begin inductions. Instead of printed protocols backed up by evidence from random controlled trials, protocols are shared by word of mouth and vary greatly."
i think of it as just another example of how even when trying to be informed about health care the industry makes it hard...
while there is a bunch of bad crap out on the internet the fact the FDA is so against its use does give the "crazy internets" some push IMHO ;)
Really, all of this may be moot because you could go into labor two hours frm now! :) But right now you've got time to do research and decide what is best for you and your baby.
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