Jul 31, 2009 15:55
I've heard of so many people having bad birth stories and I almost feel guilty for advertising my glee at how well my own birth went, but I am so ecstatic I just can't keep it in!
On July 30 1147pm (last night) little Lucien Paul decided that he wanted to see the world 6 weeks early (he already had the lung steroids since I went into preterm labor last Friday). 5lbs 10oz and 19". He's doing great, has to stay in the special care nursery since he's preterm, but he's breathing on his own, regulating his own body temperature and feeding just fine. He has to stay a week for monitoring and maturing, but is going great.
But as far as labor and delivery goes, it was awesome. My water broke at 630 pm, contractions started at 645 pm, and I delivered at 1147pm with under an hour of pushing. Completely unmedicated and with only a tiny little tear not worthy of stitches (didn't even hurt when I peed right after delivery). I am slightly tender down there, but I think I will heal super fast. I breathed and moaned my way through the contractions. I found going limp and swaying my head side to side to be really helpful and I got to go in the shower with my hubby for a while too. Pushing felt so great. I feel awesome, I could go home now if I could stand to be separated from Luc. He had to be swept away by pediatricians right away and has to stay upstairs in the special care nursery, which are the only bummers of my delivery, but I feel so fortunate to have had such a great delivery. My husband, Midwife and Nurse were awesome. My Midwife brought in her own soothing music and rubbed my back with lemon oil since things happened so early and fast that we weren't ready with our own music and oil, she almost never even left the room, which was nice. I though I would want to just be left alone, but since things happened so fast it was really nice to have her soothing nature, experience and encouragement there. I highly recommend Certified Nurse Midwives and Newton Wellesley Hospital (Newton, MA).
My funny story during delivery is: My husband needed to eat a little something so he went and fetched a sandwich and cool ranch doritos real fast. He ate the doritos last and then came in close to sooth me. My senses were on over drive and he reeked of doritos, and of coarse I lacked social graces in my delivery state and screamed out "You stink!". He went and brushed his teeth, but it was all he could do to not laugh out loud :P. I also ate a giant chocolate chip cookie within an hour of delivery :P. Hy husband bought it with his sandwich as a special present for me after delivery :).
premature babies,
steroid shots,
birth stories- natural,
spontaneous rupture of membranes,
preterm labor,
birth announcements,
doctor/midwife is awesome