i didnt post in here much but i figured id share anyway...
manuel tomas
(unassisted)homebirth 7/7/09
10lbs, 4oz
22.5 inches
i shall start with friday! we waited all week for the baby and nooo luck. i had everything in order and we were prepared or so i thought. well no baby. i tell my mom that we are going to be over saturday for a day of fun and that it will make the baby want to come out and join us! (i think my "due date" was the 30th but i wasnt going to worry until i was past the 7th, i knew i was going to have a june bug baby.)
so saturday rolls around and we head over to my parents house. the day is fun, full of swimming and playing. we go out to dinner, just my mom dad, mellie and myself. we had pizza which i had been craving! we end up staying until almost 12am, i am kind of a scaredy cat and lorenzo(dh) doesn't get off until 12 anyway. so they drop me off at home and i wait for lorenzo. he gets home and we do our normal thing, relaxing and he eats something. around 2:30 we head to bed and i nurse mellie to sleep, i roll way from her and feel this awful twinge. i think i pulled a muscle or it could be a contraction. i had been thinking wouldnt it be funny if the baby was born on the 7th, then they will be exactly 2 years and 2 months apart! i wait it out then manage to crawl into bed with lorenzo. another one. i am just taken back by the harshness... i decided to go take a bath to try and relax and see if these are real contractions or what. i tell lorenzo try to get some sleep i will let him know if i need something. i was sooo scared that he would be tired- he just worked a 14 hour day after all... and omg saturday at a restaurant. yeah busy. so i get in the bath and the contractions are coming hard and fast and the water is not high enough or making anything feel better. i started to worry that the birth pool wont help anything. well i try to breathe and relax through some more, but then i realize i need to tell him something is happening and fast. i do the best i can to heave myself out of the water and go tell him that i need him to get the pool set up and filled. i have contractions so i cant even get this out in normal tone. haha. so he hustles off to do his thing and i have a contraction on hands and knees thinking how much that position helped with mellie. but it is horrid!! i get back in the bath tub and he is adding a little more air to the tub, then he comes in and starts taking buckets of water to the pool. im just writhing in the tub at this point, neither side is comfortable, im tensing up, but i was visualizing "opening" up and doing my best to remember to breathe. he takes a break and dumps a few buckets of water on my stomach, the rushing water felt sooo good. i was getting hot and i needed to be covered more, so i have him help me out and i hop into the pool. it doesnt cover me!!! i freak out and tell him to get more water. he points to the line that says "dont fill above this line" i say "I DONT GIVE A SH*T ABOUT THE LINE. MORE. WATER. NOW" ... so he hustles off annoyed. (i think if he would have wanted to get in it would have made it higher, but a. he doesnt like hot water and b. he had to run around getting stuff). i can see he is annoyed and at some point i tell him 'YOU NEED TO RELAX OR I CANT RELAX" so the water is higher now. i try to call my friend who was supposed to come. no answer. i dial again, still no answer. i wanted to throw my phone but i just dropped it and told myself i was just going to have to go it alone with a crabby husband. im leaning back in the tub, it still hurts. im floating. it still hurts. im hanging over the tub. it still hurts. hands and knees. squatting. my back is aching, i ask for him to put pressure on it... it hurts and feels worse! (until that point, i thought the baby might be sunny side up) he gets me drinks and a cold towel because i am super hot. i begin to get a little scared in the "i cant do this way" ... but neither of us is talking, im just talking to myself. (he was probably tired of me yelling at him by this point LOL) i think of going to the hospital and just getting him taken out but then i realize the car ride would be hell if i didnt die on the way to the car. i hang myself over the tub and visualize myself getting an epidural. i feel nauseous and burp and taste pizza and think, what a great meal to have eaten before having a baby. then i feel it...i think i have to poop. i cant keep my legs together for anything. im just wiggling around like a worm. and hanging onto the side floating my legs out, kicking like a froggy then squatting then going back to froggy. no relief. then i feel a snap. i think ohh my water... but again im in the water and there is no feeling of relief unlike with mellie it felt sooo good when my water broke. i realize the baby is coming but i just keep telling lorenzo "i have to go to the bathroom!!!" over and over. i dont believe the baby is coming. there is no way. just no way. i havent been in the water more than an hour. i reach down and in and think i may feel hair but i am unsure, i know i am not pooping though. my body is pushing without me, i try to push and realize it is feeling a tad better. i decide to go to the bathroom because i know that will help me open up. without asking him to help me, and barely waiting until the contraction was over i literally jump out of the pool and haul ass to the bathroom. just enough time for a contraction on the toilet. he is standing behind me and i am leaning back. i feel again. yes. hair. no mistake. a little more pushing and i realize i dont want to the baby to fall into the toilet or anything so i get myself down onto the floor, ease back and lorenzo's eyes get huge. he is telling me "oh my gosh" and i am reasurring him that it is all okay, just to be ready. his head is born, i ask if he is pulling, he says no, and i push out shoulders and the rest slides out... omg rest. it is all over. lorenzo hands him to me and i am already birthing the placenta. he makes some peeping noises but not really crying. his eyes open in little slits, he peeks at me then closes them tightly. a few minutes later lorenzo checks and says its a boy!! a few minutes later i checked again because i didnt see the proof yet. haha. we just sit in awe of him and each other. i hand him off to lorenzo and i got into the tub to wash off, as i am sitting there it is awkward with the placenta so we decide it is white enough to cut, so we clamp it and cut it. i was bleeding a lot so i went ahead with the herbs just in case. lorenzo holds and him and he peeks out with one eye again but closes it quickly. he looked like he was saying "i am not impressed" haha. we try to clean up a bit but he goes to call my parents. they decide to come over, i dont know what that convo was like but im sure it was funny. he is now latched on and nursing well. he called my parents around 4:30 and mellie had gone to sleep at 3:00 so yeah it was probably a little over an hour, definately less than 2 hours. insane. (my labor with mellie was around 17 hours) mellie slept through the whole thing thank goodness, no one would have been able to come get her fast enough! overall we made it. i had two tiny tears up top (which i felt happen, but couldnt help anyway) but they are already healing no stitches needed. he also had a really bruised face from either the harsh contractions or my bones or something. he came out in less than 10 minutes so his head didnt have time to mold in the birth canal at all.