This issue seems to be resolving itself since it stopped last night and hasn't yet returned, but I had this problem for 2 days prior, and if it comes back, I'd like to be reassured that it's normal, or if it isn't, make an appointment to discuss it with my doctor. My fiance wanted me to call the 24 hour nurse line over this last night, but quite frankly, I'm a little embarrassed? I know that modesty isn't what is most important when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, and that it will pretty much fly out the window when I go into labor, but for now, I'm at 34 weeks and still not comfortable discussing any issues in depth unless the listener is my mother, fiance, doctor, nurse, or of course, this community. ;]
Earlier in the pregnancy (this is my first), my vulva being swollen scared me half to death. Now that I'm not completely shocked by it every time I see it or feel it, something else has started happening that is rather puzzling for me. While I was lying down the other day, my abdomen area directly underneath my diaphragm started to . . . I guess spasm? It would happen about every 10-15 seconds, and it feels a little bit like Isaiah's kicks, except not as strong, they stay in the exact same spot, and whenever I would feel it happen, my anal sphincter would spasm as well? I was wondering if this is because of the added pressure and increased blood flow, thinking that if it's enough to make my vulva swell, it's probably enough to make my bottom do some weird things? I had my fiance place his hand on my stomach to feel the strange spasm, and he concurs that it does not feel like the baby's movements.
If it makes anyone wonder about the bowel movements, those are regular, and I'm not having any increase in gas. I wonder if maybe my colon is what was spasming, and that is why it was elsewhere, too? I am just clueless, and I do plan on asking my nurse and doctor whether or not this returns, just to know what it was and what causes it.
This pregnancy stuff is pretty strange sometimes. It's all natural, but these new and bizarre things taking place make me think "yeah right, I'm birthing a freakin' alien." Even my skin has changed. I've stopped breaking out as much on my face, but now my body feels gross and bumpy, with the extra oils and sweat totally not helping, and I also had my first cyst? It was behind my left ear and slightly painful.
34 weeks, though. Not too much time left! :]
Thank you, ladies. ♥