Jun 23, 2009 14:57
One: I seriously feel like I am the only person in the world who doesn't have a name picked out for my baby. I am 26w, and everywhere I look everybody seems to have names picked out for their babies, even if they're way earlier in their pregnancy than I am. Its just making me really frustrated and I wish I had a name for my baby but my husband and I just can't decide. Tell me that I'm not the only one, please? There has got to be other people out there that didn't decide a name until the baby was born or didn't decide until really late in their pregnancy.
Two: Like I mentioned above, I'm 26w. I feel like I don't feel baby move nearly as much as I should. I only feel her a couple of times a day, and some days I don't feel her at all. I am starting to worry because I know I'm supposed to be starting counting kicks in a couple of weeks but I'm worried she isn't moving enough.
Maybe I just need things to fret over. I guess I'm a typical pregnant worry-wart. ;)