Jan 07, 2009 16:17
I am 10w2d and I feel so completely unattached to this pregnancy and this baby. I'm struggling with depression and all I can think of is whether or not this baby was even a good idea, despite the fact that it was very wanted by both myself and my partner and was planned for.
Is there any way I can start feeling attached to this pregnancy? I feel crazy talking to the baby or rubbing my belly (not much there yet). This is my first pregnancy, so I have no "end result" (another baby) to compare it to.
I try to visualize my baby and I come up with nothing. The last ultrasound I had was at 6 weeks and it looked like a blob and a yolk sac. I realize now that it looks significantly more like a human being, but I can't see it. I have another OB appt on Monday -- would it be unreasonable to explain the situation with my depression and ask for an ultrasound while I'm there? I don't think I am scheduled for one.
I'm sure someone else out there has had this problem, but I feel crazy and every other mom I talk to about it talks about how they were head over heels in love with their baby since the moment sperm met egg, lol. Have any of you had this problem? Is there anything you did to bond with your baby or something else that was helpful?