Apr 25, 2008 10:18
hiya. I just joined. I am guessing myself at about 6 weeks, but my first Dr.'s visit isnt until May 19th.
Do any of you have PCOS? I was never officially diagnosed, but have carried all the symptoms for several years. My husband and I havent used birth control for about 5 years. I started nannying for an infant a couple of months ago, and BAM! preggers! The nurse I spoke to told me that spending a lot of time around an infant can cause a hormonal shift that sort of gives PCOS women a window of opportunity for baby-makin'.
So heres my question to any of you that have pcos. Is there anything special that your doctors have you doing to ensure you carry to term? I would be devastated if I lost this baby and I feel like it might be my only shot. I'm 31 and not getting any younger!
hormone changes