Well I haven't posted in a few days due to good reasons. Just would like to welcome
Willow Valerie Teresa Squires
Born March 24th at 11:41 pm
Weight 6lbs 11oz
Well where do I begin.
Tuesday I started to more and more intense cramping and plug loss. I had a doctors apointment the next day and I told him everything that had be going on. All totally normal according to him. As we roll into Thursday the cramps are all over the place but still very intense. The plug loss is greater and starting to look dark. Friday I go to the case room because It felt like this was the start of labor. Turns out I was in pre labor since Tuesday. They send me home telling me I'm only 1cm and thick. I'm thinking lovely I'm not even due until April 3rd am I going to be feeling this until then. I hadn't had a full nights sleep in days. That night I don't think I even slept, the contractions though where still all over the place. It was like 5, 5,5,5 7, 3, 10. I woke up Saturday and went the bathroom and took off everything I had on, went back to bed turned to talk to Richard and them pop my water broke.
I get to the hospital and I get all hooked up to the monitar and I'm still not in active labor. I have to stay though not aloud to leave because my water was broke. They put me on a induction ist if I don't go on my own. So nothing that day, Sunday night they tell me that I'm now at #2 on the induction list, there was a lady whose water had also broke the same day that mine did but a few hours before hand. Monday morning they tell me to eat a light breakfest because I was going to be getting induced. I eat a muffin, they bring me down to the case room, hook me up yet again and 3 hours later or so the nurse comes in and tells me that I'm 3cm and thined, and that I have started going into labor on my own. We where wondering why it was taking so long to find out anything and it turns out that there was 2 deliveries and and an emergancy c-section. When I got to 4cm she said that they where going to put me on the drip to speed things along abit. Turns out that I was rather sensative to it because the contractions came like bang bang bang. I started to get really nauses, extreme pain, no sleep and a only a muffin to eat does not o hand in hand. At 6cm I finally give in a take Demorol to help take the edgy off the sickness. My mom and Richard where taking back and forth the whole time trying to lighten the moment. They started asking me questions about the hockey standing and well at the time that was the last time I wanted to think about. When it came to pushing time it turned out that there was a little time bit of cervix still in they way, so they turn me about and by the time the doctors all get in the room and we are nearing the final stretch of the delievery I am completly drug free now. I feel everything and no everything that is happening. The doctor wanted to do an episiotomy and I look right at him and tell him no. They had to use the vacum on her. My nurse tells me after wards that she wasn't to happy with them because she knew that within 5 min I would of had her with out the help of it.
But there it is, a more condenced version.
And here she is