I feel like this entire pregnancy has been one mess after another. Just when I think I get a handle on things, something else goes wrong. I'm so incredibly jealous of my sister, who had a VERY easy pregnancy and birth. Her son was perfectly healthy throughout the pregnancy and she gave birth to a ten pound baby and had one tiny first degree tear. Me? I've already had five ultrasounds, been referred to a high risk OB, and the c-section talk has already began. I feel like I haven't had a chance to stop worrying through this pregnancy.
Just a run-down of everything that I've had to deal with so far:
*I was at the ER at 7 weeks for severe cramping to the point that I couldn't get my left leg to work. I had an ultrasound at the hospital and everything came back normal. To this day, no one can tell me what was going on with the cramping.
*At 9 weeks, I was told that my blood screenings came back positive for Hepatitis C. After a bunch of blood tests, it was determined that I DON'T have Hep C. But it took WEEKS to get a straight answer out of my doctors.
*At 11 weeks, I was back in the hospital with the same cramping on my left side. This time it was so bad that I was hysterically sobbing and they ended up giving me something to calm me down because I started shuddering and couldn't stop. I had a second ultrasound and the baby checked out fine. They sent me home, still in pain, because if the baby was fine, who cared if I was in agonizing pain?
*Between 18 and 19 weeks, I had my level II ultrasound. We found out we are having a little girl, but they couldn't get a clear shot of her brain and indicated that might indicate a pretty bad problem. I was scheduled for a follow-up ultrasound at 30 weeks. Cue me being worried to death for 12 weeks.
*At the 30 week ultrasound, they got a clear shot of my baby's healthy, normal brain. But there was a new problem. My amniotic fluid was pretty low. They said they don't like seeing anything less than 9 and I was at 7. They scared the crap out of me by saying that I might need to be admitted to the hospital and put on bedrest, so on and so forth. Luckily, they just sent me home and told me to drink lots of water and come back for ANOTHER ultrasound in 3 weeks.
*At this last ultrasound, the fluid issue was resolved. I'm now at 16 for my fluid level, which made me very proud. The new problem? Now the baby is flipped around into a frank breech position. I have exercises to do to try to flip her around, but I have yet another ultrasound in 3 weeks to re-check her position. There has been talk of c-section, which scares the crap out of me.
Why was this so easy for my sister? She had a textbook pregnancy and I'm starting to get afraid about going to the doctor because there is always something new that isn't going right. I feel like I'm a failure as mom already and the baby isn't even born yet. I know that isn't logically the case, but I just feel overwhelmed and like I'm not as good at this making babies thing as my sister. (Yes, we are very competitive. It's not as bad now, but we still have those tendencies towards one another.)