Sep 12, 2007 21:00
About a month ago I started to bleed at almost 11 weeks along. I started off with spotting... that turned to HEAVY bleeding. Like dripping down my legs, heavier than my period. I had 4 ultraounds, all confirmed that the baby was fine, but could not really determine what or why I was bleeding... only that there was a slight bleed near my cervix. I was told to take it easy as much as i could... basically moderate bed rest. Since then... I'v just had brown discharge for 3 weeks.... which is old blood. I've gone almost a full week without ANY discharge.....
I am 14w5d today. Woke up feeling fine. Not a drop of blood, brown discharge.. .nothing. Went along my day had my regular scheduled prenatal appointment today at 2pm... went in... was asked for a urine... and when i pulled down my pants... i realized, i had been bleeding.... through my underwear.... and through my pants. HOW EMBARRASSING! I never even felt damp or anything. I told the nurse right away, she brought me right into a room and told me that the dr. is going to give me an exam. When my dr. arrived... she had a portable u/s machine... checked the baby right away, saw it was moving and its heart was beating... she did my internal, checked for a HB with the doppler... and told me she is going to squeeze me in today for a more formal u/s.
I had my u/s ;.. where she tech saw a blood clot near my cervix.... and some bleeding. Baby was perfectly fine from the looks of things. The tech consulted with my dr. My dr. then consulted with me and told me I have a Subchorionic Hematoma.... she said that sometimes they heal on the own. Unfortunately there is no way of fixing it except bed rest, and that doesn't always fix the problem... that some women end up miscarrying or give birth prematurely. I'm really nervous and can't help but think of the worst. I have had a miscarriage in the past.... and my first born was born a month premature.
Anyone else have any insight, or have had this during their pregnancy and have had a positive outcome?
bleeding - vaginal,
subchorionic hematoma