I don't know what the heck's the matter with me! All of a sudden, I can't get enough of the food channel! lol There was this pastry chef contest on the other night....AMAZING!! I can't believe some of the things that can be done with sugar and chocolate! I told my mom last night that I want to be a chef...she laughed and told me people won't want
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I bought a turtle and my roomates didn't like how its tank was looking so they randomly cleaned it and it offended me cuz they didnt ask and it reminded me of when u were talking about people telling how to take care of YOUR child. I felt the same way, but mine is only a turtle lol. I wish the best for you with all the drama... just breathe.. ahh. lol I am going to come to the baptistium (sp?) and when u get a chance if u could send me directions that would be great. Can't wait to see u and lil Lizzie! God Bless. -Devin
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