Dec 05, 2004 17:51
Movie Qoute of the Day: No, but he was young and vigorous. He was very vigorous, father.
I watched the mask of zorro while i was a the Y today and decided that is what i want to do when i grow up, sword fight, free repressed people, and do it all while wearing black in the hot sun. No, but really Zorro is awesome. I think Zorro could solve all of the world's problems.So anyways, I got a new prefontaine icon. All i need now is a mustache and i'll look exactly like him. Only problem, i think that i would look so dirty with a mustache or really any facial hair, but i can still dream.
Had a pretty normal weekend, far too much work around the house. We finished painting, and then we had to clean up our dirty house to make it presentable for holidays, as well as do the christmas decorations. I know how interesting this all is, so i'll stop now before everyone hates me.