Wow, LJ. What a blast from my past!

Dec 25, 2012 20:42

Logging in over here for the first time in well over a year is just mindblowing and sort of upsetting. It's incredible how much a person can change in the span of 18 months. But those 18 months for me formed the bridge between my adolescence and my adulthood. It shaped me into a different person. Perhaps not a better one... but different. And ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

dodger_sister January 7 2013, 02:55:26 UTC
Hi, babe! As you can imagine, I was shocked as hell to see you pop up on here out of nowhere. I am glad to hear you are well and that it was role-playing fun that kept you away. I am also glad to hear that you feel so confident in your writing these days, that you have reached a new level in it all (it feels amazing when that 'click' happens in your writing, doesn't it?) At the other end, I know the feeling of looking back on old stuff and cringing at the writing - somedays I can't even see any trace in my old stuff of my current style, you know.

At any rate, I've missed you and I hope to see you around every once in awhile!


preferthemoss January 9 2013, 03:39:04 UTC
Oh god, it's good to see you! You and tringic, I missed you weirdos. I don't know if I feel confident so much as matured, perhaps. I think I reached a point where writing logically and coherently just comes much easier. it's a lot less crack and errors now. But my rare pairs are still going strong. :P


dodger_sister January 10 2013, 20:30:17 UTC
You know, Tringic isn't really around much these days. She pops up every once in awhile to do art for a bigbang and we email occassionally, but her Real Life has gotten crazy busy and overwhelming and I think her fannish ways have taken a backseat, sadly.

I understand the difference in that you feel 'mature' about your writing as oppossed to 'confident'. Because writers will never be fully confident in anything they write - we always second guess ourselves, don't we?

Good to hear your rare pairs are still going strong though!

What fandoms are you writing in these days? I have stopped being quite as Fandom-OTP as I used to be (which still wasn't very OTP) and have just gone straight up multifandom these days. Last year I wrote in like, Hunger Games, Leverage, Falling Skies, Hawaii Five-O, SPN, RPS, Firefly, Avengers, X-Men, Without A Trace, and probably more I can't think of right now.


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