Go Right at the First Stoplight [Finn/Puck]

Feb 22, 2011 04:25

Title: Go Right at the First Stoplight
Pairing: Finn Hudson/Noah Puckerman
Rating: R
Warnings: Het, slash, drug abuse, language, prostitution, you know.
Spoilers: None
Words: 2,300
Summary: It's 2011 and Finn and Puck have high hopes; New York is just around the corner. It's 2018 and New York is rainy. It's been a year and a half since ( Read more... )

fandom: glee, pairing: (glee) finn/puck, +cory monteith makes me dizzy, type: fic, +wtf did i just do, rating: r

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Comments 24

hermiones_twin February 22 2011, 11:25:51 UTC
Holy crap. You wrote this when you were high? Can I have whatever you were smoking?

This is really good. It's poignant but not melodramatic. I feel it. I believe it. It's wonderful.

I especially like the way you talk about things like the light. I'm from North Carolina but am studying abroad at the moment in Scotland, and I don't think I ever realized how different the light and air can be in a different place, so it's cool that you note things like that.


preferthemoss February 22 2011, 19:10:37 UTC
Apparently when I'm high, I think about things like air and light, lol. But yes, I also lived in Scotland for a few months a couple years, it really is a lot different there. Beautiful though.

I'm so glad you liked this!


beta_goddess February 22 2011, 13:28:31 UTC

Holy shit, can you write. This is amazing.


preferthemoss February 22 2011, 19:11:29 UTC
Oh wow, thank you! lol.


kidenagain February 22 2011, 16:29:21 UTC
I love my city, but fuck. This is so good. And so captures what it can feel like to live here, sometimes. The spiraling, the atmosphere, just everything. I'm seriously in awe by the emotion in this. Great, great job.


preferthemoss February 22 2011, 19:13:52 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! I didn't want to do New York any injustice, so I'm glad that I didn't. Thanks so much for the comment!


sunshine_flying February 22 2011, 17:28:20 UTC
Holy crap. You wrote this when you were high? Can I have whatever you were smoking?

Yeah. Basically that.
This was really good, and so raw.
The emotion at the end was intense and I just loved this.
Great job bb!


preferthemoss February 22 2011, 19:16:38 UTC
LOL, well, I don't get high a lot. Like, I mean really rarely. So ridiculous things tend to happen when I do. I guess this time it was angsty Glee fic, lol.

I'm so glad that you liked this, though!


snarkgasm February 22 2011, 23:36:26 UTC
You were so fucking blitzed out of your mind last night.

Fuck, this is fabulous. Like oh god, fabulous.
And painful and delicious.
And I hate angst.


preferthemoss February 23 2011, 00:14:34 UTC
Oh my GOD I know, I hate that you had to witness that.

But thanks! lol.


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