[Chalked on the Wall of Rudy Miller's Bedroom | Off-Network]
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[Accidental Video Post]
[The video snaps on to the sight of what appears to be a bedsheet stretched like a curtain around the lower bunk of a set of bunk beds, holding steady for a minute on the fabric. Faintly, there is the sound of rustling, and occasionally the sheet quivers, but other than that, there is no sound and no other sign of movement.
Then, suddenly, a hand sneaks out from the edge of the curtain, affixing a piece of paper to the outside of the sheet by means of a band-aid: ]
[Then, as quickly as it appeared, the hand disappears behind the sheet once again. The movement ceases, and the camera holds on the sign and the rest of the image until finally, once again, the video snaps off.]
[OOC: Impromptu curse time! So Rudy was going around on the Network, commentating on the fact that there are cupcakes falling from the sky, and generally being his usual trolly self. Unfortunately, the person he was trolling happened to be Mouse, who summarily
cursed him with an inability to say anything but nice things for the next twenty-four hours. As such, Rudy has decided to cease speaking entirely for the day. :D
Action for apartment-mates if they dare to investigate this new development, and Network for anyone that wants to attempt to bother him, though he may ignore you for quite a while. He's cranky. ♥]