Jul 24, 2010 18:55
curse: brzzrzzrzzrzzzzz,
obviously up to something,
observing the natives,
guidance would be ecstatic,
i love the eighties,
not sure if want,
sneaky yet adorable,
vuvuzela extravaganza,
let's get dangerous,
i want to go home,
well huh,
perpetually deadpan,
former head counsellor webster,
nothing fazes rudy miller,
forced to socialize,
he knows everything
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What was that about aliens?
Apparently, aliens like to congregate at mountains.
...who's an alien? Should I come talk to you in person?
Sure. I'll set up our command centre in the kitchen.
"Okay, so can we stop it or anything?" he asks, as soon as he enters the room. "Make them unpossess people? How do we get them to not possess us?"
"What good is making them angry going to do, though?" he asks and then thinks about the salt. His lips go very thin as he tries to bite in a laugh because this is serious business. Alien abductions and possessions and people are probably hurt and this isn't something to laugh about. Still, his voice is a bit shaky when he talks again. It's just the mental image. "So do we go around salting people or something?"
As for what to do about the situation, though...that's a bit trickier. It's not as though they can feasibly go around capturing people and attempting to forcibly remove the aliens, assuming they even knew of a reliable way of doing so. "You want to go crusading on behalf of the possessed natives?"
Had it been addressed to anyone else, that question would have taken on an incredulous, even ridiculing tone. But this is Mike that Rudy is talking to, and so there is no sarcasm in it; merely a faint note of curiosity.
"Well..." It's a nice thought but he has no idea what will work or what they could possibly do. But. "Maybe not for everyone, but I mean, if you know any of our friends who've been slugged, then we should probably work out how to help at least them. Who's been possessed anyway?"
"Such are the whims of our jailers," he remarks blandly. "Mindy had one, but she killed it earlier. Dr. Chase and Dr. Wilson are also suspects. It would be difficult, but not impossible, to subdue the adults, so if we intend to free them, we'll need a plan."
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