[Chalked on the Wall of Rudy Miller's Bedroom | Off-Network]
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Thus concludes yet another experiment testing the various measures that exist to ensure our captivity here. Regrettably, our initial hypothesis failed to pan out, but we retain high hopes for future endeavours.
The nice part about being intangible is that everybody leaves you alone. The downside to being intangible is that you retain very little ability to manipulate the physical world around you, which can be problematic. Contrary to prior belief, ghost stories are not adequate preparation for the rigours of actually being one yourself. Consequently, and in the name of science, I have taken it upon myself to compose a brief list of observations about the state of being intangible, as drawn from personal experience over the past four days.
One: Nobody can see or hear you.
Which is pretty much a given, but this is for science, so it behooves us to be as thorough as possible.
Two: Affecting the tangible world is possible, but only through concentration and effort.
Just looking at an object isn't enough; you have to focus on it for a minute before you can move it, and doing so repeatedly over long periods of time quickly becomes an exhausting task. Also, generally speaking, the bigger the object, the harder it is to move.
Three: Intangibility does not preclude insanity by ticking.
This becomes problematic when point one is taken into consideration. It is recommended that all persons attempting intangibility take a Walkman and plenty of batteries with them.
Four: Intangibility only postpones physical needs, not eliminates them.
If you plan to take a long vacation into intangibility, make sure you've got somebody waiting with a sandwich when you decide to go back to your usual self.
Five: Four consecutive days of intangibility may cause visions of the nuclear apocalypse.
Being that I have yet to arrive at a better explanation for its occurrence, I can only conclude that the aforementioned vision was a direct result of my intangibility. This point may be subject to modification as more evidence comes to light.
In other news,
Mike has arrived. Please direct any and all tender-hearted and/or overly sentimental well-wishing to him. Citizens of the female persuasion may in particular be advised that he both cleans up well and is an aficionado of dance.
[OOC: And so the Portrait Plot comes to an end! Which means Rudy is now officially back in action, completely tangible, and with one best friend present to boot. And of course, as usual, he's entirely unfazed by the fact that he just spent the better part of a week as a poltergeist. Feel free to call him out on his hauntings, demand explanations for his behaviour, etc.
And no, Mike, he hasn't forgotten about that dance at Silver Lake. Not one single bit. :D]