[Chalked on the Wall of Rudy Miller's Bedroom | Off-Network]
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Year 2, Day 1: Let the record show this place is still just as terrible as it was on the day of my arrival.
Let the record also show that Adrian Veidt is no longer in the City. As acting counsel for the departed, and therefore temporary executor of his surviving will and testament, I hereby summon Messrs. William "Billy" Kaplan and Tamaki Suou to the Palace at their earliest mutual convenience for the reading and distribution of his surviving property and other assets. The services of a notary public, assuming there is one available, are also requested. Parties meeting this criteria are encouraged to inquire within.
Let the record further show that, until such time as the will is read, I am appointing myself acting dictator and commander of all Palace properties for the duration. Any attempt to circumvent my authority in this matter will be considered a declaration of war and will be answered accordingly.
In conclusion, let the record show that I still want to go home.
[OOC: Happy anniversary, Rudy! And we commemorate it with...Adrian's departure from the City. Boo. Mici, Ruxi, I hope this works for an IC way of getting the ball rolling? If not, let me know and I'll tweak it, no problem. o/]