
Nov 22, 2004 18:14

ready children, gather round...storytime

ok so lauren stabbed me in the neck during choir for some....
unmentionable reasons lol

now i have this unsightly red mark on my neck

so i get into the car when my mom picks me up from school and she looks at me all funky and then says " u have a hickey on your neck!?!" like all freaked out and nervous but at the same time like "omigod! my little baby's groing up" type thing

at this moment im thinking my mom has gone insane and im seriously considering jumping out of the car

but i dont...instead i say "no, mom, i do not have a hickey...what in god's name are you talking about?"

then she opens up the flippy-mirror-that blocks the sun from your eyes-thingy and says "look!"

its about this time that i remember that lauren stabbed me in the neck...and i realize that it really DOES look like a hickey

it hurts...ALOT...i think its infected

lauren... u have rabies jk

i think im gonna go put a bandaid on it


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