
Apr 24, 2005 22:28

i havent updated in a while

on friday in Koperberg's algebra class, casey and lyssa made a sex ed poster. this has become one of our favorite new past-times. you see, we're koperberg and rawley's TA's, but neither of them really has anything for us to do, so lately we've been writing stuff on the overhead about sex ed

this is actually rather entertaining because the looks on the kids faces when we show it to them is absolutely priceless

anyways, so this poster got me thinking and i made up a song about sex

its to the tune of sponge bob square pants's "F-U-N"

S is for sperm
E is for eggs
X is for extra fun


Sex education 1-2-3!
Sex education for you and me!

Koperberg really enjoyed this song (along with numerous 7th grade children) and he made me sing it for scibetta...this was (as you can imagine) rather awkward

in history we watched a movie and didnt have to take notes, so me, casey, and lyssa passed notes to each other. they're so lame i had to post them. notice the clever misnomer (vocab word!) title. alright, here they are:

15 Film Facts:

E: helloo
L: hey
L: ?
L: haha
C: your response is supposed to be - "AAAHHHH" - "You scared me" - that is the right way to go about things - although i do like the "Radley" comment
L: Ahhhh! you scared me kc!
E: haha...we're such losers - only IHP children would refer to To Kill a Mockingbird when passing notes
L: yup
C: that we are
C: Sex Education for you and me! haha - its stuck in my head
L: lol
E: its a very catchy song...just like "I like cotton (do doo do doo) I love ALWAYS!"
L: yeah, they are both catchy
C: i'm catchy!
L: you r very catchy kc

our passover seder was...interesting

this was the guest list:

a crazy jewish 90 year old man who is falling apart yet still insists on smoking 3-4 cigars a day (he's cut back from his former 10-12)

a couple in the middle of divorce and they're anti-social daughter (yes, this was extremely awkward)

an elderly british man who's an anthrapoligist, his wife was a Eugandan princess who recently died of altziemers (he's a neighbor, one of the few interesting people at the dinner)

a friend who i've known forever and her eccentric mom

an elderly couple who are family friends, my brother's godparents, so boring it hurts

yup, it was a party


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